Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nom Wah Tea Parlor owner among the new CB3 members

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer today announced new members to Manhattan's 12 Community Boards.

The office's news release notes the following new member at CB3:

• A new member of Community Board 3, Wilson Tang, a 33 year old native New Yorker is the current owner of Nom Wah Tea Parlor – a 90 year old Chinatown establishment that his family has owned for 37 years. His father began working at Nom Wah in the 1950s when he was 16, became a manager at 20, and bought the restaurant in 1974. Previously, Wilson worked in finance and owned and operated a bakery on the LES for five years.

The news release includes a link to the full list of Community Board members.

[Photo via Jeremiah's Vanishing New York.]

1 comment:

  1. This is good. I hope he joins the SLA Committee. Too many real estate people on the community board. Even one developer on the CB is enough to wipe out several blocks with just a couple of phone calls.

    All of our public officials take too much money from real estate people and the NY Nightlife Association members. All of them are pussies. They are all entirely reprehensible for wiping us out.


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