Friday, June 8, 2012

At the New York Funny Songs Fest

The New York Funny Songs Fest kicked off last night on/in the Lower East Side... (Here's an article about the festival in the Times.) Jessica Delfino (seen in first photo) organized the event, billed as "the city's first comedy music festival." It runs through Sunday.

EV Grieve contributor Stacie Joy was there for the opening night at the Lolita Bar on Broome Street ... performers last night included Jen Kwok, Rob Paravonian, Reformed Whores and Molly Pope ... Myka Fox served as host.

Here's the Funny Songs Fest website with all the times and stuff.

And bonus photo of Jessica Delfino with her mother...

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Stacie Joy.
    Melanie Neichin


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