Saturday, June 16, 2012

East River Bandshell and the NYC Pride Rally

A few photos from Crazy Eddie... who went down to the East River Bandshell for the beginning of the NYC Pride Rally...


  1. Wow, what a strange place to hold the mainstream Pride Rally. The band shell is rarely used, maybe 2 or 3 times in the summer at the most.

    You know that Erin Brokovich was in charge of building the band shell and amphitheatre, right? It was a challenge from Mayor Giuliani, back in around 2000, that she had to do it all through donations and free labor. Or something like that.

    My nickname for it for the past 10 years has been "The Myra Breckinridge Amphitheatre" because it sounds better than Erin Brokovich. Given my nickname, it seems inevitable that a gay pride rally would find its way there eventually...

  2. Wow. Let's put a marginalized group in a marginalized space! The Rally is always second fiddle to the March, but at least when it was in Bryant Park you felt that it had some weight.

  3. I don't get the above complaints. Don't use the space just because it's underutilized? I find it refreshing that they made use of that amphitheater. I've always wondered why more organizations didn't take advantage of it. How many parks downtown have a permanent stage with seating? Manhattan can be such a closed in place, that theater is is a great spot with lots of space along the sides to hang out and socialize.


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