Saturday, June 16, 2012

End of the evening shift at the Stage

Love this photo of the Stage on Second Avenue near St. Mark's Place at closing time ... Found the shot via Twitter by @SetoPhotos ... photo by freelance photographer Michael Seto.

Previously on EV Grieve:
An appreciation: Breakfast at Stage


  1. At first I thought this was a post about them closing. I would be crushed if we lost The Stage!

  2. they make great borshch!


  3. @SB3030

    Ugh! Yes... I was trying to be careful with the headline... I think I had "Last Call at the Stage" or "Last Night at the Stage" or something that might make it seem like it was closing!

  4. Long live the Stage!

  5. Stage is a cool little place. Authentic old school cool not fake-ass look-at-me flavor of the month wannabe cool.

  6. Don't SCARE me like that! And great shot Michael!

  7. The Stage is GREAT!!
    Melanie Neichin

  8. I got scared, too!

    One of the last real joints in the neighborhood. Long live the Stage.....

  9. I would be curious about the financial health of the Stage (and other businesses like it) so we can support them *before* they get into the red like Kate's Joint or St. Mark's Bookshop and we *are* reading an article about their imminent closure.

  10. You nearly gave me a heart attack!

    Long live the Stage!


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