Thursday, June 21, 2012

EVG respost: The best outdoor spot for free air conditioning in the East Village

As I exclusively reported, it is warm out. So! Perhaps it's a good time to repost this, uh, post from July 23, 2011... May come in handy...

It's right here on Sixth Street and Hall Place Taras Shevchenko Place... there are several spots here outside the new Cooper Union building that provide a welcome blast of cool air... right where this fellow is lounging/passed out.


  1. And when I was walking past at 8 am NYPD was rousting this guy and the other 6th St crashlanders. Other than the Taj, the travelers are not sleeping in the recessed bays in Little India, they must've been warned off.

  2. I never thought of that street as "Hall Place". I've always deferred to our Ukrainian neighbors and called it "Taras Schevchenko Place." It kinda rolls of the tongue.

  3. Yeah, I have NO idea why I used Hall Place, especially since Coop officials tried to demap Taras Shevchenko Place back in 2001 ... So I switched to Taras Shevchenko Place

  4. Another 'cool' spot is along the southern side of NYU's Bobst Library (along West 3rd Street between LaGuardia and Schwartz Plaza). There seem to be vent pockets of cool air reaching the sidewalk from above. It's a delight to take that refresher after hours of visiting the Hawks at Washington Square Park.


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