Thursday, June 7, 2012

Honoring Harry Greenberg in Tompkins Square Park

Back in 2010, Harry Greenberg retired after 23 years as the supervisor of Tompkins Square Park. (Lincoln Anderson did a nice feature on Harry in The Villager here.)

Anyway, you may have seen this new plaque in the Park along the Ninth Street pedestrian walkway...

[Bobby Williams]

Howl! leaders made the presentation to Greenberg during the Howl! Festival this past weekend...

[Stacie Joy]


  1. Awww! That's great! Congrats to Harry, he really did pull through the ugly years and gave us all a lovely space for the entire neighborhood.

  2. Yeah Harry. I was there for the presentation. He carried the torch to clean up the place with the help of Amy. They did a great job. I love them both.
    Melanie Neichin

  3. Harry Greenberg served our community honorably, generously and selflessly, from the riot days of resistance, through the relatively peaceful though unfortunately greatly-gentrified present, making Tompkins Square Park available to everyone.

    He is a good man and I was fortunate to have known him....


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