Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is Ian Schrager going to build a hotel on the Bowery?

Hmm. According to Lois Weiss in the Post today, hotelier Ian Schrager is in contract for a new hotel.

Is the Bowery a possibility? Per the Post:

While he didn’t say where ... Schrager said he likes the Bowery, and that the bar and restaurant action there "bodes well" for hotels and residential.


  1. Housing for residents not transients!

  2. Well if someone's going to build on the ruins of 35 Cooper, might as well be Schrager. Better him than Sam "I build monstrosities" Chang

  3. OH CRAP..... Say it ain't so.

  4. Just how do bars & hotels "bode well" with residential???

    do rich people really want to raise kids above noisy and all-night retail where their kids will never get a good night's sleep?

    somehow families coming home at night through a pile of drunk rowdies doesn't seem like a match that will work.

    the Community Board needs to chose one or the other, and it's looking like they don't want rich people living and paying taxes here.


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