Monday, June 4, 2012

Meatball Factory back to meatballs, plus sangria, sake and a raw bar

OK, so The Meatball Factory apparently closed a few weeks ago on East 14th Street and Second Avenue ... quickly becoming a pop-up restaurant by The Hole people called Hole Foods.

On Friday, pcvstBee pointed out that...

The Meatball Factory was back! But! It's under new management... and they have expanded the menu to include fajitas, quesadillas and a raw bar ... not to mention more drink options...

Maybe they can add pancakes to the menu as well to compete with IHOP.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] Renovations for the Meatball Factory


  1. What a freaking mess. Smacks of desperation. "We have everything!!!"

  2. Jack of all trades, master of none


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