Tuesday, June 12, 2012

No Nukes tonight in Tompkins Square Park

From the EV Grieve inbox...

30 years ago on June 12th, over a million people gathered in Central Park to protest against nuclear energy and weaponry. To commemorate the beautiful memories and break through the anti-nuclear movement, we're going to walk again! Come march/dance/shout with live n.o.n.u.k.e.s. DJs via WBAI NY, 99.5FM! Bring your own radio or boombox to the march and tune to 99.5FM at 8PM. If you are not in NY, listen live on WBAI.org and join the demo wherever you are. Keep the no-nukes noise alive!

Guest shouters: Alice Slater, Chris Williams, Minori Nakamura and the Raging Grannies!
Host/producer: Ken Gale, Eco-Logic, WBAI 99.5 FM, NYC


  1. Jesus Christ, the northern hemisphere is on its way to being uninhabitable due to the 1,000 tons of radioactive material dumped daily into the pacific at Fukushima and they want us to go dancing in the park...

  2. Let the children play, Grump. But I agree with you, talk about sound and fury signifying nothing. Wish they would find another place, TSP is being overrun with fests and concerts and shit, have already had more this year than in some whole summers and it's not even June 21 yet.

  3. I agree re TSP, to many protests. And people who are against nuclear energy really baffle me.


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