Friday, July 13, 2012

All Tomorrow's Parties coming to Pier 36 this fall

As you may have heard today, the All Tomorrow's Parties music festival is moving to the Lower East Side this year. (Well, technically, it's "I'll Be Your Mirror" — a series of artist curated music, film and art events launched in 2010 to serve as "sister events" to the ATP Festivals.)


Per Ben Sisario at The New York Times, the festival takes place from Sept. 21-23 at Pier 36 between the Manhattan Bridge and the Williamsburg Bridge. Greg Dulli of the Afghan Whigs is the programmer this year. Other headliners include Philip Glass with Tyondai Braxton, the Roots, the Make-Up, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, the Dirty Three and Chavez, among others.

The official site is here with ticket information and all that.

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