Thursday, July 12, 2012

Croxley Ales looking to expand on Avenue B

Croxley Ales, the beer-wing-and-sports bar on Avenue B, is on the CB3/SLA committee agenda Monday night with a planned expansion.

More details about all this are now on file at the CB3 website (PDF here).

According to the documents, Croxley would add more room for dining by expanding next door into 30 Avenue B... a "separate dining space" that would add 13 tables and 48 seats to the overall Croxley capacity...

Anyway, I couldn't even remember what was next door here between Second Street and Third Street ... a real estate office?

You might recall that Croxley Ales once had the beer garden on the south side of their current location... the garden closed about five years ago... and the space remains empty.

The CB3/SLA meeting is Monday at 6:30 p.m. The usual place: JASA/Green Residence, 200 E. Fifth St. at the Bowery.


  1. I remember Pierrot. Not THAT was a nicely run establishment - by a native NY'er, to boot.

  2. I LOVE Croxleys. Best wings in the neighborhood, but I can barely ever get in during the 10 cent night cuz they're so busy. They're not the college drunk party bar as others, so I'm happy with the move. Good for them!

  3. the space next door is the rental office for the building. 30 Avenue B has been in the same family for a long time and was run by the matriarch of the family until a few years ago when her son took over. The son was a failed investment banker type who immediately increased rents. I am a former tenant of 30 Ave B who moved out about two years ago. Living above Croxley Ale was a nightmare.


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