Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Houston/Bowery Mural Wall plays starring role in new Willow Smith video

And now, here's the new video (uploaded July 1) from 11-year-old Willow Smith, daughter of Will and Jada, starring parts of Houston and the Bowery.

We can talk about it all later, maybe.

[H/t @shawnshahani]


  1. That shirt is plaid ... polkadots with a butterfly collar.

    She asked her for Adidas and Will and Jada bought her Zips.

    Parents just don't understand.

  2. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.July 3, 2012 at 3:14 PM

    Oh my god! Make that shit stop!

  3. Why is this talentless squab even being acknowledged? Were it not for who her parents are, she'd be nothing. She IS nothing.

  4. I was going to mention the mute option.

  5. That's a girl ?

  6. I think the song goes way too long, she has questionable vocal ability, and it may be better suited as poetry at a poetry slam....
    BUTT. I gotta say that she could be an inspiration for kids her age. At the cusp of adolescence they need confidence and guidance. ESPECIALLY little girls. I find the content refreshing, maybe I'm the only one.
    And her father was Mr. Positive Rapper back in the day, why wouldn't she emulate that style? She's cute and gay-ish seeming like him, too.

  7. She's adorable but too young for this crap. If her parents insist on making her a star, at least make an Angeleno video. What does this child know about or have to do with NYC?

  8. Okay...I can totally empathize with all of you, especially since I felt many of the same things echoed here BUT she is sending a positive message, and look, she's only eleven years old! I know my neighbors are a little nicer than this. It's easy to hate on this child considering who her parents are (and we all know that she has it really rough, right? lol) but be kinder. She could have turned out much different. At least this is hopeful and she does have a nice voice. Be supportive. Or not. I really don't care. It is difficult to empathize with rich people who feel entitled to be in the public eye due to birth right.

  9. I find it odd that the Sminketts have whored out their children to Hollywood. With boatloads of money and opportunities for quality education, their kids could aspire to something so much more then celebrity.

    Who wants a life like that for the children? It never ends well.........

  10. Is that Lady Gaga?©®

  11. No, just Lady Gag.

  12. Will Smith pretty much has a free pass for life from me. His music was positive, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Ali, MIB, Legend. His kids seem generally fine, Im not going to go out and buy the album though. Not that I buy albums...


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