Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meanwhile, right before the end of the world...

AKA more photos of the derecho (a derecho?) ... Hey, more incoming storm photos ... these shots via EVG reader Tony Devers...


EV Grieve said...

@ The Real Fauxtographer

Love those shots! Nicely done...

DrBOP said...

Blow wind blow.....blow my blues away....

Laura Goggin Photography said...

Nice pics! That second to last one is scary.

I tried to take some video of the clouds rolling over 1st Ave, although this doesn't do them justice -

Autonomous said...

Beautiful erotic drama in those shots. Right now I'm in LA limed out of my mind and this puts me right there back on Ave A living under Chittle.
Strange days indeed, most peculiar mama...

J-Rod said...

Beautiful! Very Ghostbuster-esque!!