Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Navigating the Mars Bar underpass at 21 E. First St.

[Photo of 21 E. First St. from last Friday by Bobby Williams]

We continue to watch the 12-story apartment building (quickly) rising on Second Avenue at East First Street, the former site of the Mars Bar, among other things...

However, we usually take it all in from afar... so we didn't notice the walkway set up to navigate the construction site on the southwest corner... we enter on the East First Street side...

Oops. A little turned around now...

... finally. Daylight and Second Avenue!

...and along the Second Avenue side...

Fun! Can't wait to walk through it late at night!

Oh, and what's left of the Hank Penza sidewalk art...

As seen last July ...

[Photo by Goggla]

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