Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Aiko is next artist to take on the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall

A tipster tells us that a new mural will be going up soon at the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall ... dunno yet who the featured artist will be... In any event, we did spot the above this afternoon outside the wall... Retna, the current artist, wrapped up work back in March...

The Houston/Bowery Mural Wall is currently enjoying, perhaps, Worldwide Acclaim via the new music video by 11-year-old Willow Smith, daughter of Will and Jada.

Updated 3:53 p.m.

Another tipster tells us that Aiko, the Japanese artist who now resides in Brooklyn, will be starting work on the wall this weekend.

Here's an example of her work from the Wynwood Walls in Miami ...


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