Friday, July 6, 2012

[Updated] Reader reports: Stabbing shuts down Webster Hall

[Via ‏@drunk8gods]

Word is coming in that the NYPD shut down Webster Hall tonight following a fatal stabbing... still working on details. Lots of rumors at the moment. Sick of it All and the Cro-Mags were on the bill as part of the CBGB Festival...

It's still early, but here is what people are putting out on Twitter...

Updated 8:59 p.m.:

Here's more via Horns Up Rocks... who reports that a concertgoer was stabbed in the eye...

Updated 9:01 p.m.:

OK, BoweryBoogie is there... His report:

Harley Flannegan, founding member of the Cro-Mags stumbled into the VIP lounge with a knife. Security mobilized in a hot minute and beat the shit out of him.

Cops quickly appeared and took him away in cuffs. Not before stabbing some dude in the chest (said victim left the scene with a bandage over the wound).

Updated 9:35 p.m.

WABC is reporting that two people were stabbed; wounds not fatal.

Updated 10:41 p.m.

Horns Up Rock reports that Flannegan allegedly stabbed his bassist, Mike “The Gook” Couls ...

Updated 11:40 p.m.

The Post reports that two people were also bitten ... and the paper is referring to it as a "melee."


  1. i dont think the guy is dead. but i think the founder of the cro-mags stabbed him.

  2. Having dealt with Harley and his coked out girlfriend years ago this doesn't surprise me. I hope whoever got stabbed is ok but the NYC hardcore movement was always about violence.


    1. Both Harley And his crazy woman popped shot with me backstage when my band played with AF at Wetlands in like 1998.....I never got along with him.....

  3. So much for Hare Krishna...

  4. oh my god

    ohmygod, ohmygod

  5. Replies
    1. Fuck u ass hole...that was my boy who got stabbed...ive known harley over 20 yrs...and hes always been fuck you with punk rock glad my boy gook fuckin poseur

  6. The last time I was there it was called "The Ritz". Not quite sure who was performing that night, might have been 10'000 Maniacs. Don't hold me to it, though...I was under the influence.

  7. Great job by security on letting a guy with a knife in the club. Maybe they need training on how to do Pat Downs.

  8. Question to Kaya Chaos:
    Wasn't "Wetlands" known by another name in the early to mid 90s? There was a triangle of clubs I used to go to during that era: Tier 3, Puffy's and Wetlands, which I thought had another name at that time.
    Of course, my brain has since been purified by alcohol.

  9. Harley seemed pretty "O.K." on Thursday at the Village Landmark Cinemas for the "American Hardcore" showing. Had his kids with him. He did mention being "a bit of an outcast in the Hardcore scene" and that he was on his way a few minutes after he spoke to teach jujitsu or some shit like that and he was gonna get some agressions out. Guess it didn't work...

  10. They're called 'punks' for a reason.

  11. @UW.
    I think Tier 3 was long gone by the time Wetlands came around (could be wrong)

    Hey, wasn't Harley that cute little kid in the Bad Brains?
    (Man, I love being old)

  12. To Anonymous 12:34PM:

    You're absolutely right...but there was a place around that area which had a different name. This leads me back to my original question...I can picture it, but can not remember its name. Across the street was the only grocery store in that area, at that time.

  13. Before Wetlands opened up, I think it was "Area" (closed 1987)
    I saw Madonna debut "Like a Virgin" at Keith Haring's birthday party there.

    There were a few places near TR3:
    The Cavern (I think)
    The Rock Lounge (later called Reggae Lounge)
    Mudd Club (of course)

  14. Captain HindsightJuly 7, 2012 at 8:16 PM

    @ uncle Waltie : I recall , or think I recall , a club in or near Wetlands called. B2( b square ). Mid to late eighties ?

  15. North River Bar or Tilt?

  16. Harley's mom, an old E Village hippie, was the downstairs bartender at Tier 3/TR3, funny you should bring it up in connection with this story.
    Harley is the new Sid Vicious!

  17. Also, Harley was the cute little kid in the Stimulators (from about age 10-12), no one in the Bad Brains could be described as a cute little kid.
    He basically started the NYC skinhead scene after coming back from the UK (I think a Stimulators tour?) amazed at the idea of white kids that didn't get beat up all the time. Having grown up on the LES, this was a very exciting idea to him.

  18. This is not American history x ... That's just all horse shit ... Stabbing someone is not funny ... Tried of bull shit ppl grow hearts when intoxicated ... If your gonna get high or drunk than enjoy it ... If you already know how you act than don't do it ... Just common freaking sense which some ppl do lack ...

  19. One more datapoint as to young Harley (from the Anon who posted as to his mom working at TR3 & him starting the NYC skinhead scene after returning from Ireland (not the UK, old memory)):
    Harley's book of poetry and stories he wrote at age 9 (with intro from neighbor Allen Ginsberg (who according to Harley began coming onto him as soon as he moved back into the E Village building at age 9- ever wonder why he was so homophobic?)):
    (pic of 9 year old pre-punk Harley with long hair included, a year or so before the Stimulators record)

  20. @Uncle Waltie,

    For the time I was in NYC (Late '94-2001) the club was known as Wetlands. What it was prior is unknown to me. -K. Chaos


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