Monday, July 16, 2012

Report: Citi Bikes launch now happening in August, most likely

[Shawn Chittle]

The city’s bike-share system will launch in August, not the previously announced start date of July (Streetsblog ... previously)


  1. Good! Just in time for the end of summer!

  2. These bike share programs are popping up in cities everywhere, all with the same bikes, same system. Just the sponsor is different. Would be interesting to research the company behind all this.

  3. That $1000 fine for losing a bike seems a little high. Depending on how you spin the numbers, that's a lot higher than the per-mortgage fines that Citibank paid for fraud, seemingly a more serious thing than losing a bike.

  4. Why are they all girls bikes?

  5. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.July 17, 2012 at 12:10 PM

    Another corporate sponsored lifestyle option. What next, the Jamie Dimon slide?


    A bike share program is labeled "fascist"? Maybe I don't know what that word means. Could you elaborate?

  7. Yeah, depending on how you spin the numbers, it is a lot higher than a lot of things...

  8. matter of time before massive bike accidents start happening. NYC is not condusive to bike travel. Ask the myriad of folks who've been killed or injured.


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