Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Behold the Cyclo-Phone in Astor Place


Here's something that you can take for a spin during the next two Summer Streets on Saturday and the Saturday after that (aka Aug. 18).

Curbed has the details on the above:

The Cyclo-Phone is a bicycle-powered musical instrument, in which the kiddie pools with protruding PVC pipes are hooked up to a bicycle's drive mechanism, and powered by hopping on the stationary bicycle and pedaling away.

And it's there for you to play with between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. There's also a $1,200 penalty if the Cyclo-Phone is stolen while you're on it.


  1. Are you SURE it's not a $1200 REWARD if it's stolen while your on it?

    And the obvious......wottinthehell kinda NOISE does it make?

  2. Summer Streets - if they need to give the bikers a speedway why not do it where people don't have to conduct living like the Henry Hudson or around Central Park. - its a near death experience trying to cross the street and the asshole bikers don't pay attention to the lights. Are traffic laws legally suspended for this "event"? Personally I think this is the future being planned for you - I'll be too old then - when the gas runs out.

  3. I still prefer the famous "Pee Phone" on Ave. A.


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