Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ducks Eatery now open in former Resto Leon space on East 12th Street

You may have noticed the renovation going on at the former Resto Leon space on East 12th Street just west of First Avenue...

UrbanDaddy previewed the new restaurant taking over the location, a BBQ place called Ducks Eatery... which has expanded from its origins as the Ping pong club SPiN's in-house eatery on East 23rd Street.

Menu items include apricot-glazed brisket that has been slow-cooked for 15 hours... beef jerky cured in squid ink ... and trail mix with bacon and Cocoa Krispies. After previews the last few nights, UrbanDaddy says that the place opens tonight.


  1. "beef jerky cured in squid ink ... and trail mix with bacon and Cocoa Krispies"

    How much pot do you need to smoke to even think about eating stuff like that?

  2. that all sounds extremely disgusting

  3. Is there some new trend of EV restaurants that do disgusting things to animals to be named after animals? See also: The Beagle.

  4. I'll check it out. Maybe even twice. I'm one of those assholes who eat at every new place that opens just to try it. Regardless, I'd don't see this place having any longterm success. How many fucking times can you eat trail mix with bacon and pigsknuckles or whatever. How many times would you WANT to. Too limited, too trendy. Too much trying to please the fab foodies.

  5. I'm not sure why everyone on this blog is so angry and pessimistic... of course there's a mixed bag of places opening these days.. but, all is not lost, new & different food from around the world can be okay sometimes and often more familiar & exciting tasting then you might imagine... It could also be argued that the type of heart & passion it takes to wake up to brine & smoke a brisket for 14 hours is exactly the resurgence of soul and old fashion servitude that everyone on this blog seems to be strongly for!

    ...and yes I've smoked plenty of pot in my life, this is the East Village ; )

  6. Anon 12:12, if I seem angry it's because I love animals, and if I seem pessimistic it's because boneheads like you keep eating them without a care. Do yaself a favor, pothead, and learn about Ital cooking. Or don't. Whatever.

  7. @LvV

    I am sorry you feel that way... I work hard to source the meat I cook with from a variety of local farms that insure a certain amount of quality of life & respect for the animal.

    As for what modern chefs are doing with more unusual parts of the animal & flavor profiles, you might be surprised to find out that these are often very classic widely popular ingredients & methods in a multitude of countries around the world. For example, a meat Jerky cured with fermented squid or fish sauce is about as classic as it gets for Malay cuisine.

    In fact, growing up learning how to originally cook from my grandmother (who ironically to your comment is a published Italian chef), I was able to see the same uniqueness in many classic italian dishes such as Maggot Cheese "Casu Marzu", cured fish egg sacks "Bottarga", tripe sandwiches "Lampredotto", boiled spleens/lungs "Pani Ca Meusa" or my favorite the Calibria classic of pork stuffed dormouse...

    Not saying as a chef that I don't love any of the more typically found fine Italian foods that I am sure you are referring too, but i also believe NYC is an incredible city with enough room & freedom for both.

    With all that being said, as a proud East Villager just a few doors down from the old stomping grounds of so many prolific people such as Ginsberg, Basquiat, Bob Dylan, Iggy Pop & John Lurie I think its important to cherish this areas long standing tradition of being a safe & supportive home to creativity, passion & stream of consciousness...

  8. Oh... And if you are talking veganism I am not sure if this is an appropriate forum for that, but you are more than welcome to come by anytime to discuss and allow me to treat you to a glass of wine.


  9. Pointlessly namecheck all you like (seriously, wtf does Iggy fucking Pop have to do with this?) and your third-paragraph pretension is off the charts. Meat is murder. At least own it.

  10. I think meat is awesome & I am a murderer... I also murder a lot of sea creatures and plants on a regular basis too!

  11. By the way, Ginsberg? Vegetarian.


    Basquiat, according to Moby's Teany cookbook? Vegetarian.

    Bob Dylan? Possibly veg.

    Iggy Pop is a fucking animal rights activist! You can Google that one yourself. But by all means, keep talking out your ass. It's amusing.

  12. Those were said in relevance to art and creativity (in no relation to veg.), I consider the things I do in the kitchen that you find weird an art process for me (whether its good or bad)... Again, on a serious note if your really so deeply offended by what I & so many other chefs do, believe it or not as much as you want to paint people like me as the enemy I am a perfectly down to earth reasonable person and you are more than welcome to come in and discuss it with me in a mature, respectful & more productive way. Otherwise, I wish you and your cause the best, thx!

  13. Dude, with all due respect, you're a chef who doesn't know that "Ital" is not slang for Italian, but refers instead to the classic Jamaican vegetarian cuisine. This is concerning.

    I don't think you're the enemy, really. Eat animals, kill them, eat spleens -- go nuts, man. I just responded to your pretentiousness. Look at your 3:48 comment and tell me it's not just grandiose pontificating.

    I'd love an Amazon link to your grandmother's book.

  14. Geez, who is this LvV person??

    Gotta love the East Village for all the crazies too! Welcome to the neighborhood, Will!

    (People on here complain about change no matter what the context. Don't take it personally. It's tragic, but often hilarious.)

    Much love,

    p.s. I'm a vegetarian but support you and your passion to the fullest extend ;)


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