Sunday, August 5, 2012

[Updated] At the 24th Annual Tompkins Square Park Riot Reunion show

EVG regular peter radley sent along a few photos from earlier this afternoon ... during the 24th Annual Tompkins Square Park Riot Reunion shows...

Here's Fly Orr with Zero Content...

... and Ruckus Interruptus...

Political activist and criminal defense attorney Stanley L. Cohen was one of the guest speakers during the day...

[Bobby Williams]

[Updated Monday]
And the following photos are by Paul DeRienzo...

Cohen with The Shadow's Chris Flash

Frank Morales with Warcry Priya...

...Laura, Deb and Mary — "The women behind the reunion," per Paul...

...LES Jewels, the NYPD share a moment...

...and dancing...


  1. they should have a riot every year to celebrate the first riot.

  2. @tourist, unless you were here for the 1980s riots, please cease with your stupid suggestion. You have no idea how disruptive, dangerous and ultimately useless those riots were, no matter what the "anarchists" like to think. The majority of the young men who participated in them are now living in the suburbs with their wives and kids and dogs and nice cars, they were in the EV just playing at being "anarchists", but disrupting the lives of those of us who actually planned - and still do - to live here for many, many years. This was not a playground to us, it was where we lived and worked and raised our families, and to have a bunch of hooligans rampaging through it on a regular basis so they could fulfill some stupid fantasy of being bad, dangerous, lawless bandits, screwed things up for everyone just trying to live their lives in what was already a tough, dangerous neighborhood. So no, we do not want any ore riots here, no matter how much fun you think they would be.

  3. i still think they should have a riot every year for the memories.

  4. Hey AnonymASS:

    The only "hooligans rampaging" that night (August 6, 1988) were the HUNDREDS of unsupervised members of the NYPD, most with covered badges to avoid identification as they beat the shit out everyone in their reach.

    Their victims included the manager and a customer at the 7A Café, an old homeless woman pushing a cart to get to her sleeping spot in the park, a bicyclist passing by, and countless others who were not demonstrating against the NON-EXISTENT curfew being enforced at the behest of a handful of "Community Board" members who held a SECRET meeting with then Ninth Precinct Commanding Officer Gerald MacNamara. For some reason, those pigs beat up many women that night -- they must've been asking fir it, eh?

    Those of us who demonstrated against the police invasion LIVED here and were defending our community. Even those who were unaware of the underlying causes of the NYPD Riot did not support the rampaging kkkops over those who fought them.

    WHY won't you identify yourself, you cowardly fuck? You either were NOT there and got your "news" from the NY (Com)Post, or you are/were a member of the NYPD, or are are part of the newly-landed gentry on the Lower East Side who can't stand that folks poorer than yourself being in the neighborhood where you paid too much for your living space, or, more than likely, you are among those who buy buildings in order to kick poor folks out so that you can change the demographics of a community while enriching yourself.

  5. Chris, Much of what you wrote above is true, regarding the machinations of local politicians. But it's not true that the so-called anarchists were part of the community. True to anarchist form, they did not help to organize anyone or anything. They came, they made a mess, and they left.

  6. thanks Chris for taking the time to set the stoty straight.

  7. i dont know how breaking a few windows, and lighting a few small fires every year would be a big deal.

  8. I feel itchy just looking at pictures of these people.


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