Saturday, August 18, 2012

East 11th Street burglar worked for real-estate company

The New York Times today has more about the purple-gloved man the NYPD arrested for twice breaking into an apartment at 516. E. 11th St. ... After a burglary in June that showed no signs of a forced entry, the tenant set up a surveillance camera ... which led police to apprehend 24-year-old convicted felon Piotr Pasciak in Brooklyn...

Michael Wilson at the Times interviewed Pasciak at Riker's ... where Pasciak admitted that he is a heroin addict... here's an excerpt from the article that explains how he came to break into No. 516...

In April, working for the real estate company, he was showing apartments all over Manhattan. It was hard work, and after a particularly stressful week with a prospective tenant who ultimately did not sign a lease, he left and soon returned to his $50- to $100-a-day heroin habit.

His money ran out. When he left his job, he said, he kept the keys to the apartments he was showing. One of them was on East 11th Street. Someone had moved in. On June 12, he rang the doorbell and, satisfied no one was home, entered with the key and stole the video games.

“I didn’t hurt anyone,” he said. He refused to name the real estate employer or say what he did with the electronics, other than that they were used to get heroin. The building’s super said various real estate brokers showed apartments there.


  1. Serious question - Whats the best response in this situation?

    I feel like locking him up is not terribly productive and costly. Maybe he can get some therapy, education, and perform community service to pay his debt back?

  2. Who owns and runs the building?

  3. I'd say the odds are 1 to 1 that he was working for Tower Brokerage.

  4. re: 5:43

    This guy is a straight up thief. Breaking and entering, larceny. If anyone deserves jail it's him. I'm all for sentence reform but this junkie is a piece of shit and I wonder how you would feel if he robbed you twice?

  5. Anon 5:43, straight talk: Would you be asking this if the guy were black?

  6. meaning I think you're cutting him some unnecessary slack just cuz he's a white dude

  7. Agree with Anon 11:15. People seem to have all sorts of sympathy until it's their home that gets invaded...twice.
    Giving him a big hug and some "therapy" at the taxpayers expense sounds nice, but borderline sociopaths, and that's what most criminals are, need to understand there are unpleasant consequences for repeatedly violating other people and their homes.

  8. @Anon 10:02 pm. Tower is definately in the running, but Magnum, Icon and Croman also pull this kinda shit. Why is the Cooper Square Mutual Housing Association using Bob Pearl and Tower to negotiate rent increase on their commercial tenants? Do they not have a clue that Tower is part of the crew of developers and landlords driving out rent-stabilized tenants and long-standing businesses.

  9. Hi - Original Anon here

    >"therapy" at the taxpayers expense sounds
    - It costs $60K / year to keep someone in prison.

    Don't get me wrong, the guy's a druggie scumbag. A friends apt was burgled and it was traumatizing to her for years in terms of feeling secure in your own home.

    I think the guy should be punished. I just think there are better options than jail, where he will come out, get back on drugs, still have no skills, have learnt much more about making crime pay, and go off looking for his next target

  10. just another loser lookin for the next bag of wine and dine..

  11. Scary? I find this encouraging.
    Only crime will save us now.

    Who are these hateful commentors btw??? druggie scumbag? junkie POS? Let me guess Ray Kelly is bloggin up in here.

  12. What 12:16, yo think he's some kind of victim? Awww, he had to work hard showing apartments. waah.

    I had some "broker" who tried to slip in behind me one night. He started giving me some lip when i wouldn't let him. he claimed to have the apt key but not the door key. i told him if he rang my buzzer again I'd have him arrested for trespassing.

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