Monday, August 13, 2012

Reader report: Police tackle bicycle-riding suspect on Second Avenue

From a reader:

Yesterday around 3:30, on 2nd Ave between 2nd & 3rd, a police car & unmarked both went the wrong way up 2nd ... A police officer made a long horizontal dive to knock a young man off his bike. He got up & tried again to ride but a detective knocked him down. [The cyclist] was quickly handcuffed ... a total of EIGHT police cars pulled up, lights flashing. They pushed him into one car, & I believe took the bike in another car. Any idea what that was all about? Anyone else see this?

The reader didn't have a camera... so no photos...


  1. Well, if the NYPD is going to start regularly tackling people going the wrong way in a bike lane then the emergency rooms are going to start seeing a lot more injured European tourists who seem to think that salmoning is de rigueur here because "it is where we come from".

    Other "salmon" offenders: Stephin Merritt and Michael Musto.

  2. Im a light salmoner, I dont have a problem, I could quit whenever I want.

  3. Actual salmon going upstream end up dead...

  4. Per the story, it was the police vehicles that traveled against traffic on 2nd ave - no mention is made of the reason for the arrest. Chances are, given the response, they were chasing the suspect for something much bigger than simply riding a bike the wrong way down a bike path (which I personally believe is reprehensible - it's enough to watch out for speeding cabs in the direction they're supposed to be coming from, much less getting blindsided by some smug, self-important douche from behind).

  5. He probably had his bike locked to a tree rail on 5th.

  6. @ VinceR

    Well, if that's the case, then it would have been under the jurisdiction of The East Fifth St. Tree Committee.

  7. LOL @Vince.

    Talk about self-importance...

  8. If it's related to what's going on at 14th/2nd it's much bigger, there were shots fired and a huge police response.

  9. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.August 13, 2012 at 4:50 PM

    Was the suspect Lady Gaga?

  10. They thought he looked really tired and they were just taking him to a hotel to get some sleep.

  11. Just to clarify - the bike rider WAS going the right way in the bike lane. Yes, I'm sure there was more to it than a bike infraction.

  12. I heard he was drinking a 32 oz. Pepsi.

  13. HEY. LEAVE Michale Musto ALONE.
    He is a NYC hero and icon.
    Thank you.


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