Friday, August 3, 2012

Report: Police arrest suspect wanted in string of LES muggings

The NYPD made an arrest last night in connection with a string of robberies dating back to May 5.

Per CBS New York, "Dion Whitehead, 38, of 484 East Houston St., was hit with four counts of robbery pertaining to the alleged mugging of at least 16 people since May, spanning from Houston Street to East 23rd Street, police said."

And the Daily News had this graphic...


  1. On a related note: I saw four police cars and about a dozen cops arresting a guy and interviewing witnesses on the corner of 12th and B last night around 6:30... Anyone know what that was all about?

  2. 38 is kind of old to making a living mugging, no?

  3. Did I miss it or did they happen to mention what time of day or night these muggings occurred?

    I'm never out and about on my own past 10PM at night but if these muggings occurred in broad daylight then I'm freaked and relieved the guy was caught!


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