Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer loving had me a blast, Summer loving happened so fast

Tell me more, tell me more
Like does he have a car?

Oh, forgot... Summer Streets... Fourth Avenue/Lafayette... and more...

Per the Department of T website:

Join us for the fifth annual Summer Streets! On August 4, 11 and 18 from 7 am to 1 pm, nearly seven miles of New York City's streets will be opened up for everyone to play, run, walk and bike. From the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park, along Park Avenue and connecting streets you can rock climb at Spring Street, receive a free bike helmet at 51st Street, soar through the air on a zip line at Foley Square or just stroll along and experience the city's streets in a new way—all for free.

The sign say it goes until 2; the website 1... we'll call it even at 1:30...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait till this crazy mayor's final term is dunzo.


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