Monday, August 6, 2012

There is a store for rent sign directly above BaoBQ

As you can see, there's a store for rent sign above BaoBQ here on First Avenue between 13th Street and 14th Street... the latest from Michael "Bao" Huynh opened in December... Not a good sign... But perhaps not surprising... Huynh seems to go through quite a few concepts, such as DOB 111 and Barbao on St. Mark's Place... The Croman 9300 listing says the space is available starting Sept. 1. The asking rent is $13,995.

Meanwhile, we'll see if BaoBQ is moving or closing...


  1. Croman is yet another notoriously aggressive landlord! Not that I particularly care about BaoBQ, but landlords like Ctoman don't care about anything but their profit!

  2. Croman is literally the worst in the world. Makes me so angry.


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