Sunday, August 5, 2012

UGH: Another large tree branch falls in Tompkins Square Park

Walking to watch the Tompkins Square Park Riot Reunion Shows this afternoon, we noticed that the Meadow was empty... it is hot, but...

Turns out that it's closed. The reason: A large branch fell, as these photos by Bobby Williams show... UGH.

A Park worker told Bobby that the limb came down around 2 a.m. ... (apparently it was a little windy last night?)

Last time a branch fell in the Park, workers had to take down the whole tree. We can't lose another one. By my probably inaccurate count, we've lost eight trees in the Park since Hurricane Irene last summer.


  1. are you including 3 from the dog park? we've planted new ones this spring but it'll be years till they grow bif enough to restore the canopy and shade.

  2. Ugh, no ... Don't think I realized the dog run lost three ... I'll have to recount...

  3. They need to cut down all the trees, it is just a matter of time before a small child is killed or worse, someone's television set gets crushed.


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