Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week in Grieview

[Thursday night in Tompkins Square Park by jdx]

Who said, "The East Village is ripe for picking right now"? (Thursday)

The East Fifth St. Tree Committee returns to work (Monday)

Please turn off the light on the Juliet balcony (Wednesday)

17 East Village construction projects happening right now (Wednesday)

Is an NYPD officer listing his apartment on Airbnb? (Tuesday)

New building for East Seventh Street (Monday)

New building for East Ninth Street (Friday)

Watch a video titled 'Nazi chased out of Tompkins Square Park' (Monday)

Damaged Elm OK for now in Tompkins Square Park (Wednesday)

That Help Wanted sign at Lanza's (Tuesday)

Big City Records is closing (Monday)

After filing for Chapter 11 protection, South Brooklyn Pizza opens its dining room on First Avenue (Friday)

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