Wednesday, September 5, 2012

260 Bowery soon to be set free

Last Wednesday, we looked at the groan-worthy new rendering for the currently vacant Amato Opera building ...

There's also a newish rendering for 260 Bowery ... currently the Standard Sheetmetal Fabrication Corp., which we discussed back in May.



You have been liberated!


  1. OMG WTF must every awesome building on the goddamned block go down in yuppie flames? fuck! Next it'll be the Chair Up place! Booooooooooooooooooooo!

  2. The building is beautiful but needs an upgrade. Not going to happen from Standard Sheetmetal.

  3. Seriously? We will be liberated by overpriced women's fashions in yet another silly boutique? I've seen plenty that nobody really goes to but still manage to pay rent every month. Who makes these graphics- it's not a communist manifesto, it's a douchebag boutique


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