Thursday, September 6, 2012

A stolen phone and chase on East 10th Street this morning

EVG Facebook friend Wendy Slater posted this photo this morning... Here's an account of what happened... the woman in the white tank top (to the right in the photo) was walking on East 10th Street at Fourth Avenue... a man allegedly grabbed the woman's phone and ran west toward Broadway. The woman screamed and chased him. Several passersby saw what had happened, and followed in pursuit. At Broadway, several men took down the alleged phone thief. (A cyclist involved in the chase flipped over his handlebars during all this.)

In the end, the woman got her phone back ... however, it broke when the suspect hit the pavement.


  1. I saw a similar snatching happen at 2nd and B a month or two ago. That guy was running east towards the projects where he could in theory get away, but some big dude grabbed him at C. I guess this guy was hoping to get lost in the crowds on Broadway. Keep an eye out, people.


  2. We need zero tolerance for crime.

    Kudos to the folks who got involved.

  3. Nice to see people helping to apprehend the thief! New Yorkers rock!

  4. I bet if she was paying attention to her surrounds, as New Yorkers once did, instead of texting while walking, this would not have happened.

  5. @Anon 2:07 you seem to have mystical powers to see things even though you aren't there. Can you tell me who really killed Nicole Simpson?

  6. Anon 2:07 - You mean nobody ever used to get mugged "back in the day" because everyone was hyper-vigilant?!?

    'Vat a country!


  7. Timely article. Still, as Anony 2:07 PM says, always look around. Besides, you are in the greatest sight oriented stimuli city in the world, dig it.

  8. 2:07 knows what he or she is talking about - people think its the new norm to be lost in a fog of neurotic exchange. Those guys who put down the dirtbag should be praised, but I would personally have gotten out of there asap because if the perp got hurt, I can see the DA pressing charges against the helpful people as vigilantes. Because the State needs to maintain the monopoly on violence..

  9. I'm with crazy eddie on this one. my first thought was "phone zombies, blargh"

  10. Great work by those helping others without reward

  11. This morning I was passing an intersection near a school when I saw a women standing in the street texting. She was oblivious to the fact that the light had turned green. What made it worse was that she was the school Crossing Guard.!!!!!! True story!!

  12. I'm with 2:07 PM. That's like leaving your keys in your car running with unlock doors. One need to be aware of your surroundings.

    And if her mommy and daddy could've bought her another iShit. Or she could've tweeted about her phone being stolen or use other social media and tons of donations would've poured in to help her cause just 'cos she's a young she.

  13. I wish I could I say I was surprised to see crime apologists on the EV Grieve comments but after seeing some of the shocking jokes about date rape in terms of NYU girls, I am not surprised to see victim blaming the younger and more female the victim is.

    Absolutely disgusting.


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