Sunday, September 16, 2012

An EV Grieve Election 2012 update

Noted on Second Avenue.


  1. many years ago there was a great campaign for "nobody for president" with slogans like nobody cares, nobody's listening, nobody wants your vote...
    it was quite wonderful.
    i'm not quite sure where it came from or exactly when but i think it was WBAI radio that started it.

  2. Seems like we did that in 2008

  3. Nice art project. Returning to reality, Obama's the best option we've got. It's a must that we make sure the election Nov 6 is not close enough to be stolen as it was in 2000 and 2004. Can't stress that enough, especially to the lazier residents of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

  4. Not looking forward to Jimmy Carter's fourth term.


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