Monday, September 17, 2012

Ephraim returns home

[William Klayer]

Ephraim, the rare parrotlet that got out of its owners' East 11th Street apartment more than a week ago, has returned home. DNAinfo's Serena Solomon reports that Julia Svindie rescued the missing pet from an East 14th Street sidewalk last Wednesday afternoon.

She returned the pet to its owners after spotting one of the flyers on Avenue A. Per the article, Ephraim talked the whole walk home to the apartment on East 11th Street, reciting phrases the bird had been taught such as "go get it" and "what a weirdo."

Here is DNAinfo's initial story about the missing pet.


  1. Yay! A happy ending to a lost pet story! That has made my day. Cute little fella.

  2. reciting phrases the bird had been taught such as "go get it" and "what a weirdo."

    Love it!

  3. Yeah!!such a cutee.

  4. are they going to be responsible citizen an clean up their flyers now or just leave them ?

  5. HOORAY! i've been sadly passing by these flyers every day in stuyvesant park - SO HAPPY for this little bird and his humans.


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