Tuesday, September 4, 2012

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

[On East Third Street]

Fifty-seven-year old Lord John's Bootery becomes a 16 Handles on Third Avenue (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Red Mango opens Friday in Stuy Town (pcvstBee)

Formerly historic 135 Bowery now for sale (BoweryBoogie)

Video interview with the Union Square bully (Gothamist)

Get ready for the Big Gay Ice Cream cookbook (Grub Street)

Protesting a proposed bus stop on Essex Street (The Lo-Down)

Ack: "Guy Fieri's 500 seat restaurant is opening on Thursday and there's nothing you can do about it" (Eater)

And Melanie at East Village Corner shares a photo... crews for "Blue Blood" are back on parts of Avenue A and elsewhere...

...and an EVG reader shared this photo of a van for Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten ... one of his reps was shopping at the St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery Greenmarket this morning... buying a lot of peaches while trying to prevent receiving a parking ticket from the NYPD...


  1. A Guy Fieri restaurant? I read all the bartenders are wearing their sunglasses backwards ala Guy. Vomitus eruptis.

  2. Guy Fieri gets a bad rap IMO. So what if his "look" seems to have been engineered for maximum douche factor. Being honest with myself I have grown to like his tv show "Diners Driveins and Dives". I am not a big tv guy but I do like to watch a bit of lite programming before going to bed. Most tv is toxic insidious crap these days but what this guy/dude/bro does is nothing more than celebrating the real, the independent, the last honest eateries of America. Basically "Triple D" celebrates food that is made from scratch by people who take pride in what they are serving, people for whom cooking is a vocation, not some ticket to d-list pseudocelebrity status. What Mr. Guy does with his own restaurants I cannot vouch for (doesn't look good TBH) but I stand by the tv show. Take away the surface irritants, the bleached spiked hair, the casual friday shirts, flipflops, the improperly worn sunglasses, etc, take a good look at this show you will see one of the last truly straightforward, pretense-free programs left on the goddamn tube. IMO.

  3. @Anonymous 2:00PM: Good points about celebrating the locally owned diners and restaurants, very true! I'll give him that, but he annoys me so much I can't watch it, I wish the show had a different host.

  4. I missed 'em this am, but the peaches are good there.

  5. Ken from Ken's KitchenSeptember 4, 2012 at 3:15 PM

    Standing around like a Madonna with her head cut off?

  6. ah that sucks - it's rare to see a statue of the Caridad del Cobre anymore in the EV (it's a Cuban saint - give away is the three guys in the boat and the little baby she is holding). Hopefully it was just an accident - or else there is an Ochun out there who's gonna be really pissed (her feast is celebrated very soon I think).

  7. that's a cute cop:D


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