Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Tompkins Square Park yesterday. Photo by Bobby Williams]

CB3 OKs Nevada Smith's expansion — with some stipulations (Grub Street)

A meal at Sapporo East, the oldest Japanese restaurant in the East Village (Fork in the Road)

An interview with Allen Ginsberg's assistant-turned biographer (The Awl)

A Stop Work Order for weekend construction at 120 E. Fourth St. (Occupy East 4th Street)

The "White Glove Bandit" pleads guilty (DNAinfo)

How the Sweet Banana Candy Store almost became a Blondie song (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Sunday at Mona's (The Gog Log)

What's up with the dangling stuffed bunnies and bears on the LES? (BoweryBoogie)

CB3 votes against proposed bus stop on Essex Street (The Lo-Down)

Cyclist wanted for allegedly inciting Audi trashing on Broadway and Bleecker (Gothamist)

And some lost-and-found pet signs from the last few days...

[Bobby Williams]

...and readers spotted these between 10th and 13th Streets... near Third and Fourth Avenues...

[William Klayer]


  1. Actually, Sapporo East opened the summer of 1980 (only called Sapporo at that point, since there was no other branch yet), because I went in opening day and had a big bowl of shi-o butter ramen, at the bottom of which I found a cooked fly. I showed the waiter, he apologized profusely, carried away the offending bowl, and brought me an entire new one. It was also not the "first" Japanese restaurant in the EV after Mie. Altho I can't remember the name of the place, that same summer, several weeks before Sapporo opened, in a small single storefront on 8th and 1st next to what is now Stromboli pizza, a middle-aged Japanese woman opened her restaurant first. (At one point it expanded into a double-wide series of sushi joints, the last being Cotan). Regular sushi was $4.95, I ate there every night for a month (and she gave me free sushi on my birthday), and one night I got to watch Mick Jagger and Keith Richards film the video "Waiting on a Friend" on the steps of the "Physical Graffiti" buildings on St. Mark's Place. Sorry, Robert...

  2. I saw a yellow canary in Tompkins a few days ago and tried to get it to hop on my finger but it flew away!!!Was healthy when I saw him.

  3. Thank you for always posting lost animal info! Its very kind to do!


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