Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Avenue Pierogi & Deli closed for now, reopening in 2 weeks

EVG favorite First Avenue Pierogi & Deli (near St. Mark's) has been closed of late...

[December 2011]

I assumed that they were on holiday — the owners usually take off this time of year. However, several readers said that it looked like a carpenter was inside working on the store... Sure enough, as this photo via EVG reader John G. shows... vacation aside, it appears that the space is getting scrubbed up a bit... maybe a new floor and wall tiles...

...a man working on the space told me on Friday that they'd reopen within two weeks. All fine, as long as they don't re-do those signs in the display case...

[Via Flickr]

Here's Eric Asimov writing about their pierogis for the Times back in January 1999:

They are marvelously delicate and savory, nothing like the sturdy, gummy dumplings that are more common. And the bigos is fabulous, fragrant with spices and full of smoky sweet-and-sour flavor.


  1. Their blueberry pierogis melt in your mouth and are juicy and wonderful. I love their borsht too. A great place. Glad they are sprucing up..they are old timey and wonderful. Want some now.

  2. Their soups are delicious, and usually still warm when I buy them. Essential reporting here, I was fearful we were going to get yet another intoxication center.

  3. Whats up with Something Sweet? Usually they reopen after Labor Day but the gates are still down, and they were closed more than they were open this summer. Anyone out there know what's going on with them?

  4. please, please, please let this business continue on and may these renovations not hurt their viability in any way shape or form... fingers crossed, holding breath.

  5. I love this store....every time I am there, I ask the proprietors how business has been, however, and they respond with sad eyes that they don't know how long they can keep going.

    Please support this place if you enjoy good fresh East European cooking! Best pierogies in the city....also try the borsch and beets with horseradish.

    - East Villager

  6. something sweet has had some family health problems.
    i sure miss them and hope they will be able to return, although i do not have a whole lot of hope.

  7. Best bigos in town, by far. Period.


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