Monday, September 17, 2012

This was no way to start a Monday

EVG reader bomarr spotted this pile of meat/bones/WTF this morning on the east side of Second Avenue at Sixth Street ...


  1. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.September 17, 2012 at 12:20 PM

    Free sample of Lady Gaga Fame!

  2. You beat me to it! Thanks for making me laugh out loud for the first time today.

  3. @ Eden

    Good! I scraped it off the sidewalk in hopes the owner would turn up. I can mail it to you. What address shall I use?

  4. sorry, that is disgusting.

    what is wrong with you people in east village thinking that living like this acceptable?

    along with the crusties and other vagrants and the incesseant whining that is just not the same anymore now that the frat boys party there.

    What is the appeal?

  5. Hey, Greg Mocker of Pix 11 news at 10 just showed this photo and credited you during the news tonight, Grieve!

  6. @ Roger_Paw

    Good lord! Why would he do that?!

    And thanks for letting me know!

  7. @EV Grieve

    I hear the family of meat/bones/WTF is filing an invasion of privacy lawsuit. Call off your paparazzi!


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