Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Web of trouble? Here lies Spidey's rickshaw

Bobby Williams spotted Spidey's rickshaw here on East 10th Street near Stuyvesant Street... Perhaps operator Shaun Emerson is nearby? Or is there something far more sinister happening here...?

His rickshaw was stolen once before... BoweryBoogie caught up with Rickshaw Spidey recently on Ludlow Street ...

Anyway, we have a call out to Aunt May.


  1. Is Shaun here?! I can text him..Spidey~!

  2. I hope no one stole his sitar. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_16xYvQwboGA/S9xTmEa7iVI/AAAAAAAAEZ4/OMI82pscroo/s400/050110%2Bspiderman.jpg

  3. I'ts been chained to the post of the parking sign for about ten days. Maybe he's on vacation.

  4. Hi Eden, I enjoyed your blog. This is very unusual but I am trying to get in touch with spidey the rickshaw driver for my firends bachelorette party. Could you pass along my email jillaux8@gmail.com If he has a website that would be awesome I just couldn't find anything


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