Thursday, October 4, 2012

4 views of the incoming 51 Astor Place

Yesterday, we noted that 51 Astor Place was getting its outer shield... thought we should take a look at how the new 430,000-square-foot tower has been shaping up in recent weeks from various views...

[Bottom photo by Donna Delmas via Facebook]



  1. Shame, I already miss the open space.

  2. For me, the most ghastly shot is looking west across East 9th from 2nd Ave. What a blight!

  3. Couple of catch-up comments :

    Thanks for taking time to trib Mistah Arlihood. STILL waiting for new posts on his blogs.

    ALL sympathies for losing Marty Wambacher from ranks of NYBlogMafia.....he was a good'un!

    Congrats on award from Blogger Arrow Devices administration committee......Who's BAD? EVGrieve....OF COURSE!!!

    And if the crooked ones are called BENDY-things.....what do we call waaay-long straight things? SHAFTY-things?


  4. This is the worst thing ever.
    Death Star Rising in the East.
    Way to destroy the skyline and culture of the village, developer/corrupt city agency A-holes.

  5. Between this monster and the empty shops on the Bowery the neighborhood is starting to look like something out of Blade Runner.

  6. Wow, I didn't realize you could see this thing from Union Square.

    I was walking west on St Marks the other day and, the way this building is situated, it seems to form a wall right at 3rd Ave. No sky, light, air...totally claustrophobic. I don't remember the old CU building being that way.


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