Tuesday, October 9, 2012

EV Grieve Etc. Mourning Edition

[Saturday in Tompkins Square Park. Photo by Bobby Williams]

Looking at the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space on Avenue C (Slum Goddess)

Suspect named in the murder outside an LES barber shop (The Post)

More details about the new bar from the B-Side folks opening on East Broadway (The Lo-Down)

Fire at 157 Rivington (BoweryBoogie)

Scary things happening at formerly historic Jefferson Market (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Postcard of the old Third Avenue El (Ephemeral New York)

S'MAC opens in Murray Hill; eatery is 3X larger than the East 12th Street location (Gothamist)

And Morrissey on his "Ramones are Rubbish" review from many years ago (Billboard):

When I bought the Ramones first album on import, I was enraged with jealousy because I felt they had booted the Dolls off the map. I was 100% wrong. Three days after writing that Ramones piece, I realized that my love for the Ramones would out-live time itself. And it shall. Well, it virtually has already. If the Ramones were alive today, they'd be the biggest band in the world. It takes the world 30 years to catch on, doesn't it? I mean, look at poor Nico. Every modern teenager now seems to love Nico, yet while she was alive she couldn't afford a decent mattress.

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