Friday, October 5, 2012

On Fourth Avenue, the Forum is 'closed for renovations'

Several EVG readers noted earlier this morning that gigantic Fourth Avenue bar the Forum has "closed for renovations." An unknown entity was on the September CB3/SLA docket last month ... though, as we recall, it was a scratch...

Perhaps unrelated, in April, a retail listing went up for the Forum's neighbors, the Dryden Gallery and Brothers Deli...

Have any tips about the situation here? Please send them our way via the EV Grieve email...


  1. This place was a bad idea from the get go. A hideous renovation, a horrible theme, terrible food, and lackluster service. This ought to be a great place for something with more thought, although Pop languished here for some time after its heyday.

  2. I just found out, they filmed a scene for Black Swan here. But this was a pretty bad bar...


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