Monday, October 15, 2012


Earlier today, the NYPD paid a visit to the men hanging around on Second Avenue near East Sixth Street... some were sleeping... others were not... But they were all asked to leave... Photos by Bobby Williams...


  1. Is Brick Lane Curry still going in there or is that dead?

  2. It's about time.

    - East Villager

  3. @ anon 9:47

    The Brick Lane folks told me recently that they would still be renovating this space... doesn't seem as if anything has happened here in months... at least on the inside...

  4. They read my mind - I walked past the encampment on Sunday and was going to call 311 (is that what you do?) but then forgot by the time I got home. Why has no one taken this restaurant space? Rent too damn high?

  5. So the community board doesn't want a bar or restaurant with a liquor lic. here but this is fine. Keep holding out for the book store or food co-op!

  6. This is the best chance we have of convincing hipsters that this neighborhood is no longer the cool place to be. More of this might be the only way to get our neighborhood back. It worked in the '70s.

  7. @Anon 11:30: True, the neighborhood residents don't want another booze establishment there, nor does the neighborhood want a crack house there.

    Funny, huh? Stupid people wanting bookstores, food coops, craft shops, music stores. Fools like that belong in the East Village, too stupid for anyplace else.

  8. Why did A Salt and Battery close there again? I forget. Fish and chips just couldn't cut it here?

  9. That is so f*cked up. the other day i saw like 8 cops frisking, ticketing cuffing a group of crusties that were literally just sitting on st marks minding their own business.
    it's the criminalization of poverty - google it if you dont think it will ultiamtely affect you and stand up against it before it runs rampant.

  10. @glamma: There are two EMT's in the last photo ( wearing surgical gloves)so this incident and the one you described may be different scenarios and not part of a pattern.

  11. "criminalization of poverty"???? Really, is that what you think when these folks are camped and peeing on your doorstep, with four dogs, 5 iPhones and enough drugs for everyone?? Poverty? I don't think so. Stupidity, maybe. Some people rightfully think that should be a crime.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If there were a bunch of clean cut people sitting on the street, they surely would not be stopped by the police. I think VNY or Grumbler had a post about regular yunnie type people plopping down in the street (complete with photos!).
    Or take a weekend, (any weekend!) you will see plenty of non homeless party people 1)pissing in the street 2)defacing and vandalizing property 3)screaming and shrieking and 4)probably many have drugs or are on drugs.
    I have yet to see them being harassed by police, not that they necessarily should be unless they are being truly unlawful.
    So there is an element of harassment of the poor and homeless at play, maybe not in this instance, but in many cases.


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