Friday, October 5, 2012

This weekend: Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens

From the EV Grieve inbox... news release slightlty edited...

The "Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens" will take place this weekend in community gardens on the Lower East Side. Each participating garden is designing its own unique and multidimensional arts program, and it’s going to be a very eclectic mix of music, dance, performance, and visual arts and workshops — from jazz to comedy to making mud balls to an art rumble competition. The Festival is free and open to all.

The Festival will kick off with an opening night party:
➢ Friday evening, October 5, from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m., at La Plaza Cultural, Ave C & 9th Street
The Festival will continue in community gardens:
➢ Saturday, October 6, from noon until 5 p.m.
➢ Sunday, October 7, from noon until 5 p.m.

The following 24 gardens have already signed on, and more are expected to participate:
• Dias y Flores, 13th St between Aves A & B
• Vamos a Sembrar, Ave B between 12th St & 13th St
• El Sol Brillante, 12th St between Aves A & B
• Children’s Garden, 12th St & Ave B
• Campos Gardens, 12th St between Aves B & C
• 11th St Community Garden, 11th St between 1st Ave & Ave A
• 11BC Garden, 11th St between Aves B & C
• Toyota Children’s Garden, 11th St between Aves B & C
• 9C Garden, Ave C & 9th St
• La Plaza Cultural, Ave C & 9th St
• DeColores Community Garden and Cultural Yard, 8th St between Aves B & C
• Earth People Garden, 8th St between Aves B & C
• Fireman’s Garden, 8th St between Aves C & D
• Green Oasis and Gilbert's Sculpture Garden, 8th St between Aves C & D
• Sam & Sadie Koenig Garden, 7th St between Aves C & D
• 6B Garden, Ave B & 6th St
• Generation X, 4th St between Aves A & B
• El Jardin del Paraiso, 4th St between Aves C & D
• Parque de Tranquilidad, 4th St between Aves C & D
• Orchard Alley, 4th St between Aves C & D
• Kenkeleba House Garden, 2nd St between Aves B & C
• Peachtree Garden, 2nd St between Aves B & C
• Le Petit Versailles, 2nd St between Aves B & C
• Children’s Magical Garden, Norfolk & Stanton Sts

The Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens is being organized by LUNGS (Loisada United Neighborhood Gardens). For Festival updates go here.


  1. My favorite part of this post is that long list of gardens. How lucky are we to live in a neighborhood with so many beautiful green spaces that are free and open to all?

    Please come out and show support for our community gardens - they're fine examples of how a community can work together to take neglected spaces and create something wonderful.

  2. LUNGS against NYU Expansion
    Posted on July 22, 2012
    Losiada United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS) is totally opposed to the takeover by NYU of the Lower East Side of Manhattan. This planned “educational ” expansion onto public lands and the complete disregard for the concept of open, green space is completely unacceptable. NYU’s plans are an attack on the health and welfare of the gardeners and residents of Greenwich Village.

    Tuesday, the City Council’s Land Use Committee voted nearly unanimously to approve a slightly modified version of NYU’s massive proposed Village expansion plan. The modified plan, arrived at by Councilmember Chin and the office of Speaker Quinn, was called a “compromise” even though it gave NYU more than 80% of what they were seeking, sells off public land to the university, abrogates the terms under which NYU was given public land years ago, removes open space preservation requirements, and saddles a residential neighborhood with an upzoning, the Village’s tallest new building, and twenty years of construction. Most Councilmembers who voted for the plan cited the support of Councilmember Chin, and her work with the Speaker’s office to arrive at the deal, as the reason for their supporting the plan.

    The full Council will vote on the plan on July 25th in a meeting that begins at 1:30 pm — please circle that date and time on your calendar, as we will need you there (more information to follow). IT IS CLEAR THAT AS LONG AS COUNCILMEMBER CHIN AND SPEAKER QUINN CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE PLAN, THE FULL COUNCIL WILL VOTE TO APPROVE IT. If they do, GVSHP is working with NYU faculty opposed to the plan to review all recourses available to us, including legal ones.

    That’s why it’s so important that you reach out to Speaker Quinn and Councilmember Chin’s office NOW to let them know that you do NOT believe that the plan is acceptable, and urge them to withdraw their support, tell their colleagues to vote it down, and send it back to the drawing board. IT’S IMPORTANT THAT OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS HEAR FROM THE PUBLIC TO LET THEM KNOW WHAT THEY THINK BEFORE THE FINAL VOTES ARE CAST.


    PLEASE CALL COUNCILMEMBER CHIN AND SPEAKER QUINN TODAY AND FRIDAY, AND URGE THEM TO WITHDRAW THEIR SUPPORT FOR THE NYU PLAN — Chin’s office can be reached at 212-587-3159 and 212-788-7259; the Speaker’s office can be reached at (212) 564-7757 and (212) 788-7210.
    For more information, see


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