Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 1

The opening scenes from Woody Allen's "Manhattan" circa 1979...


  1. LOVE

    Chapter 1. 'He adored New York city. He idolised it all out of proportion.' No, scratch that, 'he romanticized it all out of proportion. to him, this was still a town that existed in black and white and pulsated to the great tunes of george gershwin'

  2. And in 1979, it pretty much still did. Now it pulsates to pub crawls.

  3. ^^ wrong #2.. you are same as Albee.

    in 79 the city was in a downward free fall.

    Go watch the video on the East Village here on EV Grieve in the 70s.

    if pub crawls are the worst thing now,then so be it!
    they do not bother me in the least and i am old too!

  4. 2, the images from Manhattan are NOT of the East Village which was a hell hole back then.

    the only areas not looking shaby back then was the upper east side, depicted in the movie.


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