Monday, November 12, 2012

EV Grieve Eatery Etc.: Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken says hello (sort of); Flea Market Cafe closes for renovations

Didn't notice this one... On Avenue A, the concepts keep changing at the former Avenue A Sushi, which closed in the spring of 2010. It has been the Avenue A Bistro Bar. The Avenue A Bistro Cafe. Anyway, it's now called La Lune, a hookah bar serving Lebanese cuisine...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Avenue A Sushi is confusing us


The first sign of the incoming Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken has arrived on the northwest corner of Second Avenue and East First Street...

The Blue Ribboners are aiming for a beer-wine license at this month's CB3/SLA meeting next Monday...


Oh. Just a photo of these guys repainting the Phebe's sign on the Bowery at East Fourth Street on Saturday...


And on Avenue A, the Flea Market Cafe is closed for renovations, as the sign shows...

To be honest, we've lost track of what's happening with the cafe. There have been a lot of rumors about its future, including new ownership.

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