Thursday, November 1, 2012

Heading back home

I tried to do the Grieve today from the neighborhood, but it wasn't working... spotty Internet access... it was just taking too long to get anything posted. So instead of roaming around, I zipped up to Lightsville for a good portion of the morning and afternoon to be more productive. Will likely do the same tomorrow. I'd much rather stay put... Meanwhile, if you have any Sandy-related stories to share, please send them to the EV Grieve email.

Be well tonight.


  1. Thanks so much for keeping everyone updated; it's so important, and you're doing a fantastic job.

  2. Lightsville? I am calling it Electric Land. And you are a refugee from Downtowninstan.

  3. We've been saying the Dead Zone & the Power Zone. Glad to see you online (from a friend's midtown conference room - warm! electric!)

  4. the dark and above the dark
    - everyone picks their poison.


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