Thursday, November 15, 2012

Meanwhile, at everyone's favorite local post office branch...

Via EVG reader Mike at the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office on East 14th Street... where he simply wanted to buy a stamp.

The windows were closed. No Internet, per the sign.

Well, just use a machine.

"Nope, the wall machines weren't working either. And they got rid of (probably a while ago) the simpler, dumber (i.e., not Internet-connected) machines that just took money and dispensed stamps."

Anyone around working?

"The only thing open was the line to hand out held packages. And, of course, there wasn't another employee to be seen, even after repeatedly knocking on the door to the back room."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Today in rants: the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office


  1. This has to be one of the most poorly-run post offices in the city. It's also really depressing in there. You can tell the employees hate being there. Management sure does make a difference. The whole vibe at the post office on 11th Street and Fourth Avenue is so different, and even if I have to wait in line, I know the transaction will be pleasant.

  2. Ken from Ken's KitchenNovember 15, 2012 at 2:30 PM

    One of the worst post offices around.

    When I complained a few years back about there always being long lines at this location, the employee practically begged me to call my congressperson about it (congress oversees the USPS).

  3. One of the reasons why USPS lost ~ $16 billion this year.

  4. Can't see why _anyone_ uses this PO.

  5. This happened last week too. I was waiting on the package line at the time, which was, of course, a million people deep (as it is at any given time one goes there). I wondered why, if no other transactions could be performed, there couldn't at least be two people working the package window. But alas, sensible questions have no place in the Stuyvesant PO.

    There are some nice people working there, but being on one of the awful lines always makes me postal (HAW).

  6. The place has been much like this for years and years and years -- like decades -- it seems to me. I agree, the Cooper on Fourth Avenue station is far more pleasant.

  7. Horrible branch. Packages go out late and get delivered late if it goes through the window.

  8. that place is the WORST

  9. I enjoy the 3d st P.O. even without the extras that 14th St. has. Just so much better.

  10. Even with all the windows closed, the service is just as good as it's ever been...

  11. This post office is one of the worst things about living in the 10009.

  12. The reason why I got amazon prime was cause of this post office.. I will do anything possible not to use USPS

  13. I hate the USPS. Can't wait until they go out of business.

    There are new 20-something tenants in my apartment building for 6 months now and the mailman tells me they NEVER check their mail box. As in they NEVER use it at all. I've now got all my bills coming electronically, so I only check my mail once a week.

    Good riddance can't come soon enough for me.

  14. There have been more tears shed at this PO than at funerals.

  15. The last time I was there, I was picking up a package and I had my (small) dog with me. I waited in line over an hour and JUST as the lady took my ticket, another woman ran out of nowhere and snatched it away and said, "DON'T SERVE HER- SHE HAS A DOG!!!!" Ummmm.... There were at least 4 other dogs in the building. I hate that place. That place the 3rd realm of hell. Truly. I will gladly pay twice as much to use The Village Postal on 1st Ave. just to NEVER, EVER go in there again.

  16. Listen I know the Stuy PO sucks big time but for those who are hoping that the USPS goes out of business, what private carrier is going to deliver to all of those rural communities? And seniors and the poor who are off the grid? The main reason the USPS is in deep financial BS is when the Repubs had total control during the last decade, they made the PO’s future pension obligations as a current liability, which no private company has to do. This was a union busting measure, plain and simple.

  17. ohh this is this why i did not get mail today?

  18. while the stuyvesant post office is a level of hell, it is still an existing post office and one can hope it will improve.
    the USPO has closed many post offices, and removed some street boxes.
    the idea of writing a letter, putting it in the mail box and having it go almost anywhere in the world is so human.
    and while the cost for bad service keeps going up the post office is one of few remaining affordable, personal, and human touches left to mankind.
    let's find a way to make it more responsible and efficient.
    how much does management get paid?

  19. I've actually called the city's mgr of the USPS and have complained vociferously to them about how horrible the place, staff, carriers, service is and they yessed me to death and the place has remained awful. This is where Organized Labor gets a bad name because these lazy bastards do not care and cannot get fired. They suck ass, case closed!!!

  20. This post office is THE ABSOLUTE WORST and should be closed.

    I don't think the US Post Office as a government entity should be shut down and I don't support privatization of mail delivery, but having to deal with the Stuyvesant Station as my local post office, I can see why some people want postal delivery privatized. The performance of this post office very unfortunately supports that idea.

    The issues regarding the Stuyvesant PO aren't casual gripes. This is something that should be taken very seriously as a disservice to the community. For example, one should not have to wait on line, sometimes 15 to 20 people long, for upwards of an hour to retrieve mail they couldn't receive because they weren't home. This is one of THEE biggest problems at this post office. They need to seriously improve the system of held mail. I asked them once how they stored the mail they hold and they told me it was organized by the date of first attempted delivery. What?! How about this? How about organizing it ALPHABETICALLY a-holes. It's mail NOT rocket science! You would think that in a community where most people don't have doormen to hold their mail, this post office would come up with a more efficient way of dealing with this. But they don't, and they don't seem to be interested in improving it. I don't care who you are or what your income bracket is. NO ONE has time to wait on line for an hour to pick up their mail because they were at work, or just having to take care of other things during the day.

    Since this post office is run so inefficiently, my suggestion is that it serve as a delivery only hub. The service is so bad it really doesn't make a difference that the office is open to purchase postage, send packages, or pick up mail. Why pay a staff and keep the lights on if they're not really doing what they're supposed to be doing? The people in the 10009 should be directed to a more efficient post office in the area for these things. Get rid of this post office and it's lazy, horrendous staff and let the community deal with the simple task of sending and collecting mail in a hassle free manner! Enough!!

  21. I boycotted them years ago. I tried to do an e-bay business about six years ago when people were making money out it. However, I gave it up after a year. Cause the lines were so hellishly long (It was before the had some of the machines). Most lines were an easy hour and half and some people got so angry they started fighting with each other in the lines, on many occasions. I also found the tellers moving slow, not at all friendly (just annoyed they had to work there) and the supervisor frequently hiding in the back room afraid to come out and deal with the mops of any customers. Worst run business I have ever dealt with!

  22. the USPS is very important although yes this branch is a nightmare. and why the F did they all get rid of the stamp machines???? most annoying thing EVER to wait on a twenty minute line for one GD stamp. it is no wonder patrons are moved to the level of violence.
    still, i hope it is fixed not eradicated! many great points above.

  23. I just braved my 2nd attempt in 2 days to mail an international package. Internet up. Staff completely undone by the discovery that the ink in the hand stamp for the customs form was out. At the window for ten minutes while they tried to regain their composure. Line for package pick up was its usual epic self.

  24. Since the hurricane, I keep thinking about how systems need to be in place that rely on mechanical and human power, not solely on internet and electronic power. That one cannot buy a f-ing stamp or send a g-damn package without the internet is completely ridiculous. How about "internet is down, cash transactions only" then write your transactions out and enter them when the internet comes back up again? Jeez! The complete inability to function without these technologies is getting scary!

  25. Speaking of the hurricane, I went to Stuyvesant that week the power was out. (My mom had overnighted me some extra flashlights and candy and kitty treats. :D) The staff was sitting there in the almost-dark, but they couldn't sell anything, or ship anything, or even give out packages for pickup. I don't know why they couldn't do any of these things (especially package pickup), and if they couldn't do any of these things, why the hell were they open??

    It wouldn't have mattered anyway. My mom's overnight package was delivered a week late, well after power was restored.

    Oh, and I just spent 4:45 to 5:35 in that f*cking package line again tonight. I HATE THAT #$%&*@% LINE

  26. Speaking of the Internet. I filled out the customs form in ballpoint pen. The staff member behind the thick glass then took my form and and entered it into their system. Then she had to search for the ink for the hand stamp which was out. Zounds.

  27. I find it frustrating that they make zero attempt to deliver packages, then a slip shows up in my mailbox dated three weeks ago, and I go to the post office and find my package has been sitting there nearly a month even though it was sent with delivery confirmation! I work at home, and I get all of my packages from UPS and FedEX no problem. The post office isn't even trying to deliver these packages.

  28. My biggest problem with these guys is not the post office (which is definitely an evil hell hole). but the fact that they NEVER deliver packages. If you're very, very lucky, you might - MIGHT - get a delivery slip. But even that much service never happens. How is it possible that the mail people in this neighborhood NEVER deliver packages? I filed a complaint few years ago but of course nothing happened.


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