Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Naked Pizza is on vacation

An EVG reader said that she thought Naked Pizza on East 14th Street near East Third Street had gone out of business...

According to their website, this location of the chain is on vacation "until after" next Tuesday...

The second NYC location of Naked Pizza opened last November... the place has some deep pockets, having been backed by Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, and The Kraft Group...

By the way, has anyone ever tried this gluten-free pizza? Never seems all that busy to me. But it may just be when I happen by...


  1. Have seen a customer in there exactly one time. No surprise of they are closed, only surprised it took this long.

  2. I've never seen a soul in that place.

  3. Damn you, Nicoletta Effect!

    I guess instead of super fiber prebiotics and ancestral grain, I'll just get pepperoni.

  4. There's no vacations in the food biz!

  5. I think the name and the logo just seem too healthy. Pizza done right shouldn't be an unhealthy food, but people still expect a certain degree of warmth and comfort from its presentation. Naked Pizza looks like a salad place.

  6. Please stay on a permanent vacation. And take your customers with you.


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