Sunday, November 11, 2012

[Updated] Nino's is back open, but...

We noted the other day that Nino's on Avenue A at St. Mark's Place had closed... either for renovations or to become something else... No one ever got a straight answer ... anyway, a sanitized Nino's is now back open (no xmas decorations or fountain drinks so far) ... a reader said that he tried it, and the pizza didn't quite seem the same... and he didn't recognize the workers... Anyone else try the new Nino's?

[Interior photo by Shawn Chittle]


  1. Just got back from a last bite before bed type of meal...

    Going by the cheese on the cheese slice, it had been out for longer than I would have expected from the old guys... But the main problem was they but it in the oven for next to no time, the slice was still bench cold....

    Time to find another late night pizza place... Or to be more accurate... Fuck you very much you fucking fuck fuck for fucking my fucking late fucking night pizza joint up!!! Fuck you!!!

  2. I wonder if he is going to do the communal table? I told him not to do it. Do they have beer and wine?

  3. Communal table? Nino's is not exactly the kind of place where it would be pleasant to dine and mingle with strangers.

  4. The communal table is a Brooklyn Yuppie trend. They're all in love with one another, they like to gather, you know.

    I looked up Nino's on NYState Liquor Authority and they do not have a liquor license, and fat chance they will get one.

  5. It looks like the inside of a pine coffin.


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