Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Petland is moving away from East 14th Street, fueling more new development rumors

In late September, we laid out the three rumors about the future of East 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B. (Read that post here.) The most severe of the rumors: All the space starting at the ABC Animal Hospital west to Avenue A will be developed into some type of housing-retail complex.

The speculation has returned with the arrival of a moving sign at Petland: The store will be relocating to First Avenue.

An EVG Facebook friend asked the manager why they were moving. The response: The landlord is tearing down the building.

So far, there aren't any permits on file with the city indicating any immediate demolition... Still, most people we've talked with figure this block has a relatively short life span as it is now...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Conspiracies: What next for 14th Street and Avenue A?

Those ongoing rumors about the future of East 14th Street between Avenue A and B


  1. Bad news. The family run Bargain Bizarre is most likely soon to be a casualty, as well. The slimelord is apparently a terrible guy who took advantage of that fire to pad his pockets, refusing to let those businesses affected by the fire to move back in unless they paid a ridiculous amount of rent -- and now he's kicking the rest of the block out. Hope karma comes back to bite his greedy ass.

  2. Oh no. Are they limited to 8 stories with the zoning or does that only go to 13th Street ?

  3. Was at Petland last night for turtle food when I saw the sign. They said January for the move.

  4. If anything happens to the Blarney Cove, I'm waging war.

  5. This will be a welcome addition to Stuy Town, home if fro-yo, smoothies and nail salons.

  6. Rumor is the animal hospital, Petland and Bargain Bazaar is going to be one big unit and the corner of 14th and A over to the Blarney Cove (including/excluding unsure) will be another big unit


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