Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pika laid to rest

Pika's loved one's laid him or her to rest here on East Seventh Street ... not far from McSorley's ... Seems like an honorable place to bury a hamster. Photo by Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C.


  1. Well that brought tears to my eyes. Go well, Pika.

  2. awww, we buried a hamster in the tree plot in front of our building a while back (under cover of darkness so as not to freak out the neighbors).

    When the kitty cat goes, well, that's going to be a more challenging subterfuge.

  3. RIP, Pika, enjoy your resting place near McSorley's.

  4. Hmmm. When I die I wouldn't mind being buried IN McSorely's. Maybe someone can scatter my ashes there if I decide to go that route. By then they would just blend in with all the other dust in that joint (provided the Health Dept. doesn't return and make them "clean" again)

  5. "An Honorable Place to Bury a Hamster" sounds like it could be indie-film box office gold.

  6. May McSorley's libations carry you into heaven.

  7. One of the more poignant aspects of a city childhood...


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