Wednesday, November 14, 2012

R.A. Dickey's trip to Tompkins Square Park propelled him to win the Cy Young Award, maybe

Back in May, New York Mets knuckleballer (and all-around-nice-guy) R.A. Dickey was in Tompkins Square Park to watch people throw Wiffle balls and stuff.

Today, he won the National League Cy Young Award, the first knuckleball pitcher to ever receive the honor.

What saved his season and put him in the all-time record books?

Tompkins Square Park, of course.

The stats back this up sort of.

At the time of his visit to the East Village, his record was 3-1 with a not-so-great 4.45 era.

Since then, he went 17-5, and lowered his era to 2.73.

What do you think it is about the Park that turns journeymen pitchers into Cy Young winners?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Allright meat, show him your heat


  1. >What do you think it is about the Park that turns journeymen pitchers into Cy Young winners?

    hm. rat-beaning? or maybe channeling the red-tailed hawk, as in some kind of mr. miyagi focus exercise?

  2. Wow Uncle Waltie sure is grumpy. You don't see rat lovers comment in the Red-Tailed Hawk Snacking Picture Posts about how they hate when those gory pictures are put up. If you don't like the content just scroll to the next one.

    I appreciate the post, and that split since he paid a visit to the park is very interesting indeed. Some real reporters had better cover this and cite you.

  3. Yeah! Who cares?? I only want to ever hear about things that happen in my neighborhood if I personally enjoy them or agree with them. Who cares if this major star took time to come to a local park and hang out and apparently be an all around nice guy? No news here. Only jock college bro's care about any sports at all. No one in the neighborhood does, that's for sure! There's no in between!

  4. When a major league pitcher in the midst of a Cy Young winning season stops by TSP to throw around wiffle balls, that is kind of newsworthy, I'd say.

  5. Reading my post from last night, I agree with the subsequent commenters that it was unduly harsh. My punishment now is that I can't erase it and can't afford the copious amounts of alcohol it would take to persuade EVG to do a little "editing". More power to R.A. Dickey. I mean this!

  6. EVG, there's a barrel with your name on it over at the liquor store. Just tell 'em I sent you.


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